The Goals of a portfolio People have many different ways they view and setup their portfolios to accomplish the goals they set out for it. Some people concentrate on capital gains, allowing their shares to appreciate in value over time, and then selling them as needed, this can be done for income or re-balancing purposes. The goal I set out for my portfolio is to grow itself at a steady pace alongside growing its cashflow. Cashflow in a portfolio can be generated a number of ways including interest, dividends and realized capitals gains. For the cashflow in my portfolio i rely on dividend paying stocks. Why Portfolio Cashflow Is Important To Me Cashflow is important to my portfolio as it allows it to grow and expand into new companies on its own. For example, if Unilever pays me £200 in the form of a dividend, a portion of that will be re-invested into buying more shares of Unilever, therefore increasing my holding in the company and increasing the future dividends they pay me. Wh...
I talk about stocks and shares that i love and ideas for portfolios.