Investing in Shares For Dummies The very basics! Buy Here: Investing In Shares For Dummies. When i first started doing research into purchasing shares in companies i purchased several books, however one book a friend had purchased for me stuck out above the rest when it came to providing information on all the basic concepts of investing. Investing in Shares For Dummies sets out not only to give you all the details you need on purchasing shares and what the concept of share ownership means for you and your personal finances, but it also makes an extremely handy reference book to keep coming back to. For instance if you want a quick recap on how interest rates could effect shares and bond prices, they have a chapter for that where they lay it out clearly over several easy to understand pages. The same goes for Analyzing Industries and ways to price companies. There are sections for understanding CFD's and going short on shares, using leverage to buy shares on margin and so on...
I talk about stocks and shares that i love and ideas for portfolios.