Isa Accounts In this post i'd like to talk about Isa accounts, Isa accounts are tax free wrappers available in the UK for both investments, savings and peer to peer lending. Any capital gains, dividends or interest generated within an Isa is tax free. What makes Isa accounts unique is the fact that unlike other tax wrapper accounts such as pensions, An Isa allows its owner to withdraw money without penalty. Limitations Isa accounts allow their owners to put up to £20,000 in every year, after reaching the £20,000 limit, no more can be placed into an isa that year until they reset in April. Once the limit has been reset you are free to either place another £20,000 into that same account or open up an Isa somewhere else. Although you can have more than one Isa of the same type if you pay into them on separate years, you can only pay into one Isa of the same type per year. for example if i opened a stocks and shares Isa with one provider, i would still be able to open up a savings acco...
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